Load Image from Stream

Prior to loading an image, set the LoadOptions to provide specific instructions for loading the image. If no load options are specified, ImagXpress® uses default values when loading the image.

Load from Stream

To load an image from a memory or file stream, use the ImageX.FromStream methods. When called, the FromStream methods store a copy of the original image in the ImageX object. 

The ImageStatusEvent and ProgressEvent events are raised to provide feedback on the status of the loading process. Once loading is complete, the image is available in the ImageX object. 

To load a BLOB (Binary Large Object), use the ImageX.FromStream method.
To load a file from an Internet stream, use the ImageX.FromFile method, specifying the full Internet path and file name, NOT the FromStream method. 

Load a Multi-page Image From Stream

ImagXpress supports the following multi-page image formats: TIFF, ICO, and DCX. The NumPages method provides the number of pages in the file. 

To load the entire multi-page file into an ImageX object, call any of the following:




To load only one specified page of a multi-page image into the ImageX object, call one of the following:





See Also



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